Associate Professor
Faculty of Computer Systems & Technologies
Academic Qualifications
B.C.Tech.(Hons: ) from University of Computer Studies (Pathein) at 2004
M.C.Tech. from University of Computer Studies, Yangon at 2007
Ph.D.(IT) from University of Computer Studies, Yangon at 2014
Fields of Interest
List of Publications
Khin Swe Swe Myint, “Live Migration Decision based on Integrated Server-Stroage Virtualization”, 9th International Conference on Computer Applications, (ICCA,2011), Yangon, Myanmar, Ma, 2011, PP-275-279.
Khin Swe Swe Myint, “Migration Policy for Virtualized Data Center”, 10th International Conference on Computer Applications (ICCA,2012), Yangon, Myanmar, February, 2012, pp-421-425.
Khin Swe Swe Myint, “Resource Management Strategy for Replication and Migration”, 11th International Conference on Computer Applications (ICCA,2013), Yangon, Myanmar, May, 2013, pp-524-527.
Khin Swe Swe Myint and Thandar Thein, “Green Aware Geographically Distributed Datacenter Selection”, 1st International Conference on Energy, Environment and Human Engineering (ICEEHE), Yangon, Myanmar, Dec2013, P 42.
Khin Swe Swe Myint and Thandar Thein, “Energy and Cost Efficient Datacenter Selection for Cloud Services”, 3rd International Conference on Computational Technique and Artificial Intelligence (ICCTAI 2014), Singapore, February, 2014, pp.40-43.
Khin Swe Swe Myint and Thandar Thein, “ Green -Aware Cloud Datacenter Selection”, 12th International Conference on Computer Applications (ICCA 2014), Yangon, Myanmar, February, 2014, pp.141-147.