Daw Yin Yin Htay

  • dawyinyinhtay@ucsmub.edu.mm

Daw Yin Yin Htay

Associate Professor and Head
Faculty of Information Science

Academic Qualifications

  • B.C.Sc. from University of Computer Studies (Mandalay) at 2002
  • B.C.Sc.(Hons:) from University of Computer Studies(Mandalay) at 2003
  • M.C.Sc. from University of Computer Studies(Mandalay) at 2005

Fields of Interest

  • Data Mining

List of Publications

  1. Yin Yin Htay and Myo Thandar Tun, “COCOMO II based Software Cost Estimation for footware selling System” , In International Publications of Science and Engineering Research”, India, August-28, 2019, Vol.02, Issue 08, pp.1-8.
  2. Yin Yin Htay and Yamin, “Performance Comparison between KNN, NB and DT Classifiers by using Heart Disease Dataset”, In University Journal of Computer Applications and Research, May, 2020, Vol.1, No.1, pp.86-90.
  3. Yamin and Yin Yin Htay, “Query Classification and NOSQL based Myanmar Information Searching System”, In Journal of Research & Innovation (JRI 2020), Vol.3, No.2, pp.177-182.