Daw Marlar Win Khin

  • marlarwinkhin@ucsmub.edu.mm

Daw Marlar Win Khin

Faculty of Computing

Academic Qualifications

  • B.Sc. (Hons:) (Maths) from Mandalay University at 1995
  • M.I.Sc. from University of Computer Studies, Yangon at 2000

Fields of Interest

  • Computational Mathematics

List of Publications

  1. Marlar Win Khin, “Teaching of MATLAB Programming in Numerical Analysis for Students”, Scientific Journal of Innovative Research (SJIR), Vol. 1, Issue 01, August, 2019, pp. 268-275.
  2. Marlar Win Khin, Myint Than Kyi and Aye Aye Thin, “Mathematical Analysis and Projection for Sagaing Region’s Population”, Scientific Journal of Innovative Research (SJIR), Vol. 02, Issue 01, June, 2020, pp. 112-117.